Industrial equipment
- Installation and moving of production lines
- Equipment repair, reconstruction and automation
- Components and aids development and make for production
- Equipment develope & manufacture
- Mechanical engineering outsourcing
- PURCHASE, SALE and COMMISSION SALE of compressed air equipment
- Screw compressors maintenance & repair
- Air dryers maintenance & repair
- Compressed air equipment consultation
- Installation of compressed air equipment and compressed air piping
- Compressed air equipment rental

Screw compressors and compressed air accessories

Plasti-, kaabli- ja muud seadmed
- Hooldame ja remondime kompressoreid
- Müüme uusi ja kasutatud suruõhutehnikat
- Paigaldame suruõhuseadmeid ja suruõhutorustikku
- Rendime kompressoreid, õhukuivateid ja suruõhumahuteid